Software development

Get customized solutions for your business using full-cycle software development services

Solutions to achieve your goals

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Validation of the business idea

Спеціалісти InProject HUB проаналізують ринок цифрових технологій на відповідність вашій клієнтській ніші. Ви отримаєте чіткі висновки про ефективність ідеї щодо ведення бізнесу і пропозиції стосовно її удосконалення для успішної реалізації проєкту.

Product improvement

Computer-integrated technologies and digital expertise will allow automation of processes to expand the company's potential, as well as increase the productivity of its work. Freed resources will give impetus to faster business development.

Construction of the model

A team of R&D specialists will provide strategic project solutions for application development. The client will receive unique proposals on the use of innovative technologies to achieve the best result in an unstable market.

Creation of concept

Experienced developers, in accordance with the analysis of the client's company, will design a cost-effective technological solution that will meet the needs of the business and help to adhere to the plan to ensure its smooth operation.

Software delivery

Development professionals will debug, test, and modify software to deliver software products over proven infrastructure networks. This will ensure the consistency of the process.

Risk reduction

Setting up continuous product integration will allow you to monitor new and changed code frequently and seamlessly across multiple platforms at once. Reporting will allow early detection of occasional flaws in the software ecosystem and immediate elimination to ensure efficient business operations.

A unique approach that we are proud of

Команда InProject HUB з понад 200 досвідчених розробників програмного забезпечення адаптується під потреби бізнесу клієнта і розв’язання задач будь-якої складності. Спеціалісти бізнес-аналізу та діджитал-сфери сумлінно втілюють узгоджений з клієнтом задум для забезпечення успішності й життєздатності проєкту.

Втілюючи ідеї, що користуються попитом у кінцевого споживача, професійна команда InProject HUB здійснює цифрову трансформацію вашого бізнесу. Керуючись допомогою сучасних інноваційних технологій, таких як автоматизація, впровадження СRM-платформ, ERP-систем та DevOps-інженерії, ми створюємо масштабовані корпоративні продукти під ваші потреби та характеристики цільової аудиторії.

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the process we follow

Process planning
We analyze incoming data, collect information about the current state of the company's activities, diagnose the company's weaknesses, and provide options for solving business problems.
The embodiment of the concept
We coordinate the most important details with the client and rebuild the business model, test and deliver the digital product within the stipulated time.
Project support and security
We advise, carry out test checks of the digital product, contribute to the stabilization and development of business in changing market conditions.

Most frequently asked questions by clients

We are open to dialogue and are happy to answer your questions

Get a consultation
What is digital consultation?
Digital consulting is responsible for the company's presence on the Internet, namely the creation of websites, corporate style, branding and promotion based on market trends. With the help of digital consulting, business owners get a clear vision of what to focus on in sales.
How important is digital transformation in the consulting business?
Digital transformation ensures competitiveness in the industry. It contributes to the optimization of business processes and increases the efficiency of projects, allowing companies to gain an advantage in the established niche.
What are some examples of digital consulting?
Digital consulting includes an extensive list of services related to the virtual world, namely: consulting in the field of digital technology and engineering, assistance in search engine optimization, web design and support in social networks.
What is a digital strategy?
A digital strategy is a written plan that clarifies a company's potential online goals and helps implement the right technologies and processes to meet business challenges.

We offer the best solutions in the field

Save your time for new ideas by choosing the support of industry professionals