Business idea analysis
Спеціалісти InProject HUB проведуть детальний аналіз вимог замовника та складуть перелік методів, що будуть застосовуватися під час розробки нового мобільного продукту.
Selection of technical solutions
Taking into account the current trends in mobile development, our team will select solutions that will maximize the potential of the application.
Selection of a platform for implementation
Depending on the requirements, the application can be developed for iOS and Android platforms. We also use hybrid and cross-platform solutions.
Development of a mobile application
The process of creating an application is carried out with the involvement of our own team such as designers, frontend and backend developers, testers, and other specialists.
Integration with distribution platforms
To promote and popularize the final product, we integrate it into digital distribution platforms and promote the application.
Technical support and maintenance
To guarantee the operability of the software, the specialists of the company will provide technical support for the required period.
Experience and practice we are proud of

Компанія InProject HUB пропонує комплексні рішення, що включають в себе не лише створення концепції, розробку та подальшу технічну підтримку мобільного додатку, а й його оновлення та просування на ринку.
By using our services, you can be sure that your product will be highly appreciated by customers and will provide active growth of your business or commercial idea.

How it works
We offer the best solutions in the field
Add recognition and style to your project using the latest design trends